(Yellow : Chrysler : 1983)This code is listed in our database as an offset listing to PPG code
81110; therefore, the results below are from that code.
This yellow automotive paint color is most commonly known as simply 'Yellow'. This is a Chrysler paint referenced in 1983. The only reference of this paint is in a paint code offset listing (Dodge Truck Ditzler Offset List, Form 8302 from 1983). See the detailed list below.
Chrysler used this paint as a special order color.
Some Chrysler paint manufacturing codes come in two forms, the short 1 to 3 digit model/year code which changes frequently and a longer code which does not change. One of these longer codes which we track is the DT or Dodge Truck or Fleet code. This code starts with the letters "DT" and ends in a 4 digit number. Codes in the DT2000 to DT2999 range are generally yellow shades. These DT codes do not change over the years for a particular paint formulation; therefore, it is the best code to track the usage of Chrysler paint.
In many cases Chrysler has assigned DT codes to popular paint from other manufacturers to use as special order paints. The DT paint set is one of the few that includes many of the official
US Military paint colors.
Sorry, we do not have a sample of what this color looks like.
See more information on Chrysler code "DT2009"Usage list of Chrysler paint code DT2009
(more information)
Paint Manufacturer Codes
Chrysler/Dodge :
Make/Year Code : DT2009
PPG/Ditzler :
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